We offer free hosting services to organizations with purely social motive. This approach comes as part of Corporate Social Responsibility of Weblink Nepal.
We understand how difficult it can be to start up a website and to have global presence. With this in mind we have created a special unique dedicated package for social organizations to use, that will enable them to have free website hosting. No catches and no ties.
Though website hosting costs have come down, we here at weblinknepal.com, believe in truly helping non profit organisations the helping hand they need.
If your organization falls under following categories currently recognized under this package plan, then please
feel free to officially contact our office till this plan is active.
We have recognized following organizations under this package:
- Non profit organizations
- Organizations to facilitate peace process ( around the globe)
- Organizations to promote voice against climate change
- Religious organizations running non religious schools / colleges
- Organizations setup to support constitution writing process
- Social organizations working for poverty alleviation
- Organizations helping rural people in the field of health and hygiene