.biz is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. The name is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable of business.
The biz TLD was created to relieve some of the demand for domain names in the com top-level domain, and to provide an alternative for businesses whose preferred domain name in com had already been registered by another party. There are no specific legal or geographic qualifications to register a biz domain name, except that it must be for "bona fide business or commercial use". It was created in 2001 along with several other domains as the first batch of new gTLDs approved by ICANN in the expansion of the Domain Name System following the increased interest in Internet commerce in the late 1990s. The TLD is administered by NeuStar and registrations are processed via accredited registrars.
Why choose us to fulfill your domain registration necessity?
• We have decade long years experience in the domain (web address) business, as a buyer and seller of previously registered domains, domain registration reseller, and as a end user webmaster, so that you can benefit from our experience and expertise.
• We have used our bulk purchase power to obtain excellent pricing so that you can have the benefit of both an excellent domain registration price from $8.5 a year and top quality and well fashioned customer service.
• We provide easy to manage secure control interface so that you can securely manage your domains and make any number of changes to, DNS, change contacts, create and modify your own DNS servers, etc., online at any time with no cost.
• The ability to create new empty usernames, so that you can change the registrant ("owner") of your domains online at no additional cost. There is no need to extend the registration. A real benefit if you plan to resell your domains after registration.
• We offer you how to tips and tricks that help you expand your domain business in Nepal and the world.
• We have partnered with the ICANN registrar, which has been in business since 1993 so that you can purchase from us with complete confidence.
• We provide multiple notifications, by email, of domains that are about to expire starting 2 months in advance of expiry so that you have ample warning of any pending expiry.
• We are completely independent of your web hosting company so can easily change your web hosting at any time. Simply upload your site to the new web host, and when it is ready simply change the DNS to your new host. For many sites a web hosting change can be done in a few days. The ultimate in flexibility and control for you.