Moving or Pushing domains from one customer account to another on Webink Nepal

For Example,
We are moving a domain from one customer1 to customer2 from Weblink1 Reseller to Weblink2 Reseller

  1. Login to your Control Panelsearch for the domain name which needs to be moved and proceed to the Order Details view. 

    • If the domain name is Locked/Suspended, you will have to first get it Unlocked/Unsuspended before proceeding further.

    • For Resellers: If the domain name is Locked by you, you may proceed without Unlocking it.

    • For Resellers: If the domain name is Locked by Weblink Nepal, you need to get it Unlocked first. Contact us at.

    • For Resellers: If the domain name is Suspended by either you or Weblink Nepal, it needs to be first Unsuspended, before you can proceed.

  • Click Move Services link on the top right-hand side of the screen, to initiate the process.

  • Here, you would have to mention the following details:

    • the Customer Username (Email Address) of the Customer account where you wish to move the domain name.

    • the Customer ID of this account. The Customer ID is a unique number associated with a Customer's Profile. If you do not know the Customer ID of the new account, you can find it in Settings -> Primary Profile within the new Customer Control Panel.


Select whether you wish to retain the existing Contact Details after the domain name is moved to the new Customer Control Panel. This will keep the Whois Details of your domain name as is, even after moving the domain name. If you do not select this option, then the Contact Details will change to the Default Contacts of the new Customer Control Panel.

* Confirm that the Customer account to which you are moving this domain name, is the one you really intend to and click on the Confirmbutton.

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